Youngdo Ind

Youngdo Ind

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YOUNGDO was established in 1974 and we have not changed on our basic philosophies about products(such as customer satisfaction, basic and principal compliance, and constant improvement) and we have been trying to produce the safest products under strict quality control on the authority of ISO/TS 16949.

We have produced high-quality products standardized on the basis of KS certificates and possessed UL, CGA, ISO, ECE, TPED/MDD certificates in order to satisfy various demands of overseas customers. YOUNGDO promises to provide the safest and trustworthy products to our customers by utilizing all of resources in the future by using our know-how and professionalism which we have accumulated to produce gas cylinder valves.


22, Noksansaneopjung-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Korea


Youngdo Ind

Youngdo Ind