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RPS Co., Ltd. offers different but better future in the field of Air Bearing Spindle and Ball Bearing Spindle.

RPS Co. which has the best technology and the biggest production capacity in the field of Air Bearing Spindle and Vesicular Ceramic Vacuum Chuck Table in domestic industry keeps growing on the basis of technological capability proved by companies which lead conductor and display market of the world and experiences accumulated in the industry over the years.

Since its establishment, management and staffs of RPS Co. have united and done their utmost to maximize company value with quality and technologies under management principles that say “change and innovative management, successful management and management with which everybody satisfies”. As a result of such efforts, RPS Co., has widened the way to world market.

Now, RPS Co. has started significant challenge for the second takeoff..

RPS has opened new stage for the market of High-frequency Spindle and for the area of Vesicular Ceramic Chuck Table on the basis of experiences and technologies which have been accumulated in the field since its foundation.

We, RPS Co., are going to build our position firmly in the center of the market for Super precision machining Spindle which changes rapidly and we promise that we will be reborn as a world class company by maximizing core capability for each business area. All of us in RPS Co. will not be afraid of new challenges but will keep creating and developing valuable future with passion that never gets cold.


56, Yuseong-daero 1184beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea





Komachine Inc.
Head Office:
Ace Dongbaek Tower 1-1101, 16-4,
Dongbaekjungang-ro 16beon-gil, Giheung-gu,
Yongin City, Gyeonggido, South Korea 17015
Branch Office:
606, Seoul Stratup Center, 10,
Noryangjin-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, South Korea 06938
CEOCharlie Park
Corporate #535-86-00664

ⓒ2024 Komachine Inc. All rights reserved.