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DiaPlexC™ M.Avium/M.Intracellulare Detection Kit (결핵)
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솔젠트DiaPlexQ™ Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Detection Kit, Covid19, Corona virus
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DiaPlexC™ M.Avium/M.Intracellulare Detection Kit (결핵)
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DiaPlexC™ M.Avium/M.Intracellulare Detection Kit

M.Avium & M.Intracellulare 단독감염 및 중복감염여부를 정성 검출하는 검사시약

Multiplex PCR


본 제품은 단 한번의 PCR로 다수의 specific target gene을 검출할 수 있는 multiplex PCR 기술을 이용하여 비결핵균인 Mycobacterium avium과 Mycobacterium Intracellulare 의 감염유무를 검사하는 키트 입니다. 제품 내의 오염요인을 줄이기 위해 DNA free Taq을 사용하였으며, UDG system을 적용하여 PCR product에 의한 carryover contamination을 방지, 오염에 의한 위양성의 가능성을 줄였습니다.

사용의 편리함을 위해 enzyme과 dNTP, buffer, bromophenol blue 등을 섞은 Smart mix 형태로 제조하여, 사용자가 template DNA와 primer mixture만 첨가하여 간편하게 PCR을 수행할 수 있습니다. 또한 positive control인 Control Template가 제공됩니다.


DiaPlexC™ M.Avium/M.Intracellulare Detection Kit
Detection targetMycobacterium avium , Mycobacterium intracellulare
Detection technologyConventional (End-point) Multiplex PCR
Specimen type객담(Sputum), 기관지폐포 세척액(Bronchial lavage), 폐 생검(Lung biopsy), 위 세척(Gastric lavage), 소변(Urine), 체액(Body fluid), 혈액(Blood), 조직(Tissue), 고름(Pus), 대변(Stool)
Analytical sensitivity10³ copies
Compatible instruments*ABI Veriti thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems) recommended
PCR running time~ 2 hrs


- HotStart PCR system : High specific & sensitive result

- DnaFree™ system : No host genomic DNA contamination

- UDG system : No carryover contamination

- Multiplex PCR system : Multiple targets in a single reaction

- Reliable system : Automatic PCR control

- Positive control included

- Easy-to-use master mix

- CE certification


LaneInterpretation (detection)
2M. intracellulare
3M. avium
4M. intracellulare , M. avium (Co-infection)
6Required re-experiment


The NTM handbook:

A Guide for Patients with Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Infections Including MAC.

Horsburgh CR Jr. Epidemiology of Mycobacterium avium complex.

In: Korvick JA, Benson CA, eds. Mycobacterium Avium Complex Infection: Progress in Research and Treatment. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker; 1996:1-22.

Tortoli E. Impact of genotypic studies on mycobacterial taxonomy: the new mycobacteria of the 1990s.

Clin Microbiol Rev. 2003; 16:319-354.

Griffith, David, E.; Aksamit Timothy; & A. Brown-Elliott, Barbara et al. (2007).

American Thoracic Society Guidelines: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Non-tuberculous Mycobacterial Diseases. AM. J. Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Vol. 175, pp. 367-417.

Grange, J.M. (2007). “Environmental mycobacterial”. In Greenwood, David; Slack, Richard; peitherer, John; & Barer, Mike (Eds.),

Medical Microbiology (17th Ed.), pp. 221-227. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-443-10209-7. Evans AJ, Crisp AJ, Hubbard RB, Colville A, Evans SA, Johnston IDA. Pulmonary Mycobacterium kansasii infection: comparision of radiological appearances with pulmonary tuberculosis. Thorax. 1996;51:1243-1247.

주문정보 (Ordering information)

TechnologyCat. No.ProductContents
Conventional (End-point) PCRSMD23-K020 (20 reaction)DiaPlexC ™ M.Avium/M.Intracellulare Detection Kit2X Multiplex PCR Smart mix (with UDG)
Primer Mixture (M.Avium/M.Intra)
Standard Marker (M.Avium/M.Intra)
Control Template (M.Avium/M.Intra)
Nuclease free Water
SMD23-K100 (100 reaction)

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솔젠트DiaPlexQ™ Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Detection Kit, Covid19, Corona virus
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