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수중 음향 - Link-Quest
TrackLink 5000LC
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신양기술해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체
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수중 음향 - Link-Quest
TrackLink 5000LC, TrackLink 5000MA, TrackLink 5000HA
제품 상세 정보

TrackLink 5000LC

This system is a low cost yet highly robust system. It tracks up to 8 targets at a range of up to 5000 meters with ship noise. The cost of the TrackLink 5000LC system is a small fraction of the cost of competing USBL tracking systems capable of reaching 5000 meters of range. This system brings the convenience of a long-range USBL system to users who typically do not have the budget for a very expensive long-range USBL tracking system.


TrackLink 5000MA

This system is a very cost-effective, medium accuracy long-range USBL tracking system. The accuracy of the system is 1 degree. It tracks up to 8 targets at a range of up to 5000 meters with ship noise. The TrackLink 5000MA System provides a highly robust solution to cost conscious users who require improved positioning accuracy. 


TrackLink 5000HA

This system is a high accuracy long-range USBL tracking system. The accuracy of the system is 0.15 degree. It tracks up to 8 targets at a range of up to 5000 meters with ship noise. The TrackLink 5000HA system is priced significantly below comparable systems. This modern spread spectrum USBL tracking system can typically save the user $40,000 to $60,000 while providing equally good or better accuracy than any other long range USBL tracking systems in the market. 

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신양기술해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체
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